16 August 2010

Camper Update

We are almost done with side one.
This is what it looks like so far:

We have just started side two and will update with a picture of that side soon.


  1. Looking incredible. Can't wait to see the finished product. Gonna be sweet!

  2. What a neat idea to turn an older model into something new and pretty to look at.

  3. Love the paint job. Are you restoring the interior as well. I have a 13' Road Runner by Sun Valley, 2004. It's not a classic, but it has a lot of the classic feel. I camp about 30 - 40 days each summer with a group of friends. Gives me a chance to get out a lot with my camera.

  4. I want it! I'd love to come over and paint. I'll bring some glitter too ;) So fun! I can't wait to see what you do & see it finished.
