30 January 2007


Today is the day I am cutting off about a foot of my hair for the Locks for Love organization. I have been excited about this for a long time and encourage everyone to get involved with this organization. You can help someone through a very tough time by donating your hair. It doesn't cost anything...except maybe getting hassled by the police a little more. :)

Strangely, I am having some difficulty saying goodbye to my hair. This hair has seen me through many travels, much love, and incredible adventures.

I'll post before and after pictures soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good friend from Canada who you have not heard from in a long time, and who has not visited this sight in MONTHS, suddenly had an urge to check it out. And what a day!! I too, would like to say goodbye to your beautiful hair. I will miss it. But, it is going to make a lot of beautiful people even more beautiful. On a personal note, there are going to be some major changes around here too, as I decided yesterday to quit my job for a while and be a stay at home mom. I can imagine the look on your face when you read that last sentence. Who would have thought it, eh? But there it is.