11 June 2007

Taylor Mali - What Teachers Make

Ever wonder what happens when a teacher does slam poetry? High School Teacher & Slam Poet--Taylor Mali on "What Teachers Make".

Watch the video and find out why he is considered the most successful poetry slam strategist of all time. Check out Taylor's website here.

I dedicate this video to Rachel, Mikey, Lana, Kendra, Janna, Saretta, Paul, Robyn, Myra, and all of our other dear teacher friends.


Anonymous said...

I have read that poem before...and I really like it - what he says is important. And true! In terms of Mr. Mali's "performance" however, I can do without it. A little too Evangelical for me and it comes off like a HUGE ego trip. And while we teachers do need to stand up and shout about what we do and why it is important (especially in light of the continuous cutbacks in funding and support from our Governments) I, personally, approach my soapbox a little more gently. :-) But thank you for posting this. I think it is important for people to get past HOW he is saying it, and really hear WHAT he is saying!

Erik said...

Yeah...that poetry cadence and sing song often distracts from the poetry for me. I don't know when poets picked up that style or when super-models started walking like horses. Both are silly and distract from the essence of what is supposed to be communicated.

There are many educators in the U.S. that could apply for public assistance because they are living below poverty levels. I think someone needs to cry out about the work teachers do and how little they are paid for it. I think it is also important that they stand up for themselves in social situations.

I agree that his delivery was less effective than others I have heard, just thought you could identify.

Alissa Carter said...

As a teacher, I agree with what was said. It was a bit over the top, but the meaning and passion behind the words cannot be doubted. I, personally, turned down corporate America to go into a job that would qualify my family for government assistance. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do, therefore, teach. It was I can do, so I should teach.
But, even more importantly, I also go into the job knowing that I will never have to look in the mirror, or the face of my beautiful daughter, and question if I have made a difference in this world. I see that I have made a difference in every one of my student’s faces when they walk across that stage, get an acceptance letter from the school they have been hoping for, or get their first job. That is worth more to me then money, power, fame, or popularity.