11 October 2007

Feeding the Hungry is Illegal in Orlando!

"Principles have no real force except when one is well-fed."
-Mark Twain

Making certain that needy people have enough food to eat can be illegal in Orlando. The city has a ban on feeding more than 25 homeless people at a time and it's first legal victim, Eric Montanez of Food Not Bombs has just been found innocent.

Feeding poor people is a crime?!? In what right-wing fascist run world is this OK?

After pointing out that feeding the homeless and hungry is a crime in Orlando Jeff Deal of Orlando's Channel 9 Eyewitness News reported: (click here for video)
"And, of course, all of this all started because city leaders felt there were too many homeless people gathering in one location. They felt this was a public safety issue that the public could be in danger with all of those people."
Can't you just smell the objective reporting? I bet he just packed his face with corporate franchise food and had a $7.00 coffee just before his report.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
~Emma Lazarus, 1883


Unknown said...

Aaaaggghh.... throw that quote on the heap with dear ol habeas corpus. Oh... and i believe you'll find freedom, human rights, and our self respect in that pile somewhere.

Unknown said...

...i think the lawmakers wrote this one up right after lunch and a few martinis!

Natalie said...

They felt this was a public safety issue that the public could be in danger with all of those people.

Yeeeeeah, 'cause if you have to be poor or homeless to be dangerous! *Rolls eyes.* That report just smacks of classism--and that's to say nothing of the law itself!